Rob’s Opinions/Solutions:
Our American government must enact/enforce laws/policies, which protect/provide for/support the 90% of we the American People/we hard-Working Americans who are the laboring; working middle-class/working poor/working semi-retired/working retired Americans! Our American government must be forced
legally/peacefully/non-violently to immediately stop enacting/enforcing laws/policies, which protect/provide for/support only:
1: The 10% of Americans who are the wealthy/powerful/corrupt/connected who report billions in the highest profits ever recorded in American history/who pay no or very low American income taxes/who have never paid less American income taxes/who report receiving billions in American taxpayer income tax refunds/who control/own 90% of the American wealth/and who abuse/contaminate/deplete/pollute/use/usurp 90% more of our American commons/infrastructure than we the people/we hard-working Americans! Over the past 60 years our current National Debt is the highest it has ever been, our collected National Tax Revenue is the lowest!
2: The corrupt, large, powerful, wealthy American multi-national corporations; which outsource millions of American jobs to foreign countries/which report billions in the highest profits ever recorded in American history/which abuse/contaminate/deplete/pollute/use/usurp 90% more of our American commons/infrastructure than we the people/we hard-working Americans/which pay no American income taxes/and which report receiving billions of dollars in American income tax refunds!
3: The corrupt, large, powerful, wealthy American banking/financial institutions which we the people/we hard-working Americans were tricked into bailing-out with billions of our hard-earned American taxpayer income tax dollars; after which Americans learned that these same banks/institutions deliberately caused the 2008 Wall St. Crash: Americans have also learned that before and since being bailed-out; these same banks/institutions have recorded the highest profits in history! Our American government has kept the federal funds rates low: However, that does not offset:
1: The trillions of American taxpayer dollars the American taxpayer/we the people/we hard-working Americans have been taxed/have lost/have paid/that have been spent in our name/that have been stolen from us/that have been wasted from our American taxpayer Treasury by/through the extremely wealthy/powerful/corrupt/connected for the last 30 years!
2: The trillions of American taxpayer dollars the American taxpayer/we the people/we hard-working Americans have been taxed/have lost/have paid/that have been spent in our name/that have been stolen from us/that have been wasted on/through the corrupt/illegal Afghanistan and Iraq wars for the last 10 years!
3: The trillions of American taxpayer dollars the American taxpayer/we the people/we hard-working Americans have been taxed/have lost/have paid/that have been spent in our name/that have been stolen from us/that have been wasted on/through the American military/pentagon budgets; which high military officials admit are 70% abuse/fraud/waste; for the last 30 years!
4: The billions of American taxpayer dollars the American taxpayer/we the people/we hard-working Americans have been taxed/have lost/have paid/that have been spent in our name/that have been stolen from us/that have been wasted on/through the corrupt American banks’/financial institutions’ bail-outs financed by the American taxpayer/we the people/we hard-working Americans!
5: The very large American income tax cuts/decreases (millions/billions: the largest in American history) for the very wealthiest Americans/for the very wealthiest American companies/corporations and the very large (millions/billions: the largest in American history) American income tax refunds received by these wealthiest Americans/American companies; corporations for the last 30 years!
6: The extreme human misery/pain/suffering of millions of the American taxpayer/we the people/we hard-working Americans who have lost our jobs/homes through no fault of our own because of the extreme corruption/illegalities of the health-care insurance companies; corporations and the extreme corruption/illegalities of the banks; financial institutions bailed-out by the billions of American taxpayer dollars/we the people/we hard-working Americans for the last 10 years!
7: The billions of American taxpayer dollars the American taxpayer/we the people/we hard-working Americans have been taxed/have lost/have paid/that have been spent in our name/that have been stolen from us/that have been wasted on/through the American taxpayer bail-outs of the corrupt banks/financial institutions/their corrupt; extremely greedy CEOS/other officials who received immense percentages of the billions of dollars of bail-outs for/in bonuses/commissions/ rewards for corruption/theft from/of the American taxpayer/we the people/we hard-working Americans!
Rob Hess’ Solutions-Click Here