How To:
Write Your E-Mail/Letter To President Obama!
Step #1: Enter your name and e-mail information into the box on the side bar of the Home Page: This will insure your message will be mailed: The information you provide enables us to create an accurate date-tracking system; so that all blog posts may be monitored on a quarterly mail-in basis; without duplication on our automated processing system! America/we the people/we hard-working Americans greatly appreciate your extraordinarily American/important/necessary/patriotic action/assistance/demonstration/effort/expression/initiative/input/participation! As a free subscriber to this blog and in appreciation of your participation, you will receive two free videos that enabled Rob Hess to change his financial situation and survive in this extremely difficult economy. On the Home Page, you may also Subscribe/Receive Continual Content and Author Updates! Simply set up an account with Google Reader and anytime there are blogging updates the information will come to you instead of you having to search for us as well as many other of your favorite blogging sites. Look for the RSS icon on your favorite blogs!
President Obama has committed his administration as very “open/transparent” and welcomes e-mails/letters of American citizens! President Obama states that “Americans must convince him to enact/enforce/support the Constitution/laws/policies which protect/provide for/support the 90% of Americans: Not the top 10% of Americans who own 90% of the American wealth”! 90% of Americans’/we the people’s/we hard-working Americans’ voices will be heard! Four-Hundred (400) wealthy Americans control/own more American wealth than One-Hundred-Fifty Million (150,000,000) of we the people/we hard-working Americans! Please post the information/message you want President Obama to receive in the blog below, which allows approximately one page and a half of written material! Please be as concise as possible!
E-Mailing/Writing your American Congressional Representative/your American Senator/your American Supreme Court/your American President a concise/factual/honest/purposeful personal message/letter is a most effective/invaluable/necessary/patriotic/American gesture!
Feeling/thinking the above-mentioned American representatives for/of we the people/we hard-working Americans pay little or no attention to Constituent Mail is a total/unfortunate misconception! Concise/factual/honest/purposeful personal e-mails/letters are one of the most effective/invaluable/necessary/patriotic American gestures/methods Americans possess to definitely/effectively/influence/strongly convince our American-taxpayer-paid lawmakers/policy-makers/representatives/Supreme Court Justices/and President! Our American Congressional Representatives/our American Supreme Court/our American President receive thousands of e-mails/letters! Following are important/invaluable skills/techniques to note; so that your e-mail/letter has definite/effective/strong impact! Keep It Simple–Click Here