Rob’s Story: As 90% of your American stories: The American dream of the 90% sidetracked by the 10% American wealthy/powerful/corrupt/connected!
I have owned two businesses for 23 years: Each were/have been productive/profitable/successful through difficult, sheer diligence/effort/hard work/labor/perseverance/and sacrifices; as most of you have experienced! In August 2010; my work truck/with perishable products was stolen/totaled: Resulting in a $90,000. loss. For the last 5 years, the California economy has steadily declined. Until my work truck’s theft/total; my businesses/companies were profitable; providing my family a very-appreciated middle class life! Since my work truck’s theft/total; my business/company has
been diminished greatly; to a part-time basis only; as the insurance company has not yet settled the claim.
Rob’s Background: For 23 years, I worked in the Offset Printing field: Managing/marketing accounts for magazine companies: National Geographic/People/Time Life/Newsweek/Good Housekeeping; for cosmetic companies: Estee Lauder and Revlon; and for Toyota Inc./IBM Inc./and Bantam Books Inc. I also developed some expertise in the financial services field; which evolved into my own productive, profitable, successful business/company; which took precedence and remained lucrative until the last 8 months.
I currently maintain websites for my businesses/companies: Gourmet Selections Wholesale L.L.C. ( and Website Marketing Pros / FB: OIMC ( I am in the process of creating/designing/manufacturing/marketing several of my own products.
I endeavor to pursue new/successful business alternatives; so
that family/financial/personal goals/needs/priorities are met. As with 90% of Americans/we the American people/we hard-working Americans; the need/stress to keep my family financially secure in these difficult economic times is challenging/overwhelming! For years, I have paid over $1,300.00 monthly for health insurance for my family of three! In the past ten years my out of pocket dental expenses of over $140,000.00 and medical bills submitted to insurance have totaled over $400,000.00 with a co-pay of 30% plus a deductible! Other business owners with whom I have communicated and I have amassed credit card debt far above the “declared national average” and have used all the equity in our homes to survive. I have always conducted business with the American public at all income levels. For thirty (30) years, I have observed the following: The American working poor are broke/have never been poorer! The American working middle class are financially devastated/ruined/in deep financial trouble! The American wealthy,who have been in control of America for thirty (30) years, have never been wealthier/pay no or very low American income taxes/have never paid less American income taxes/receive billions of American taxpayer dollars in American income tax refunds/are spending no money to create American jobs/are spending their corrupt; ill-gotten millions/billions creating millions of jobs in foreign countries! Let us, 90% of we the American People/we hard-working Americans join together and take back control of America from the 10% American wealthy/powerful/corrupt/connected!
***Let us, we the American people/we hard-working Americans, fire up the masses to fuel the American dream!***
Robert Hess
Telephone Number: 805-227-6886/3940-7 Broad Street #221 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401