Instructions: 2
1: The American wealthy/powerful/corrupt/connected who pay no/or very low American income taxes/who have paid the lowest American income taxes in history; as American government college; university funds/grants/scholarships/Pell Grants for the lowest-income college; university students are shamefully; unnecessarily decreased/eliminated for we the people/we hard-working Americans/we hard-working American college; university students!
2: The American corrupt banks/corrupt financial institutions; bailed-out by the billions of American taxpayer dollars of we the people/we hard-working Americans!
3: The American greedy health-care insurance companies; corporations whose commitment/objective/priority is to make profit from we the people/we hard-working Americans; rather than insure against we the people’s/we hard-working Americans’ illnesses! 65,000 of we the people/we hard-working Americans die yearly because of not being able to afford American health-care insurance! Millions of we the people/we hard-working Americans are bankrupted/lose our homes yearly because of American high medical costs we the people/we hard-working Americans cannot afford to pay! 20% of the American gross domestic product is paid for/spent on American health-care costs! American Medicare must be immediately enacted/established as law for all Americans!
4: The American corrupt Washington D.C. lobbyists, who buy/own our American congressional members/our American Supreme Court (5 out of 9); so that the American-taxpayer-paid American Congress enacts laws to protect/provide for/support the 10% American wealthy/powerful/ corrupt/connected/and the large, powerful, wealthy American multi-national corporations rather than the 90% of we the people/we hard-working Americans; and the American-taxpayer-paid American Supreme Court (5 out of 9); which establishes precedence as law for actions/decisions/laws/policies which protect/provide for/support the 10% American wealthy/powerful/corrupt/connected/and the large/powerful/wealthy American multi-national corporations; rather than the 90% of We the People/We Hard-Working Americans!
5: The American-taxpayer-paid American Supreme Court; which unconstitutionally legislated law from the highest judicial bench of America by enacting the unconstitutional Citizens United Law; which allows multi-national companies; corporations to donate to American political campaigns/elections as American individuals; which constitutionally they are not!
6: The American multi-national companies; corporations which have outsourced millions of American jobs to foreign countries; which report billions in the highest profits ever recorded in American history; which pay no American income taxes; and which report receiving billions in American income tax refunds!
We the people/we hard-working Americans must/will rebuild America based/founded upon policies/laws to protect/provide for/support the general welfare of 90% of we the people/we hard-working Americans; as our American constitution provides; rather than the 10% American wealthy/powerful/corrupt/connected for which our American constitution does not provide!
We the people/we hard-working Americans must/will make a difference; must/will rebuild America; by demonstrating/expressing through demonstrations of 100’s of thousands/millions; through massive/personal legal action/e-mails/letters; through we the people’s/we hard-working Americans’ massive voting; to change/overturn by 180 degrees; we the people’s/we hard-working Americans’ devastated economic/financial conditions created by the American wealthy/powerful/corrupt/ connected described above!
Two hundred (200) years ago; American President Thomas Jefferson stated/wrote: “I cannot define or describe a more cannibalistic act than the devouring of the American poor by the American wealthy!”